The Gratitude Spark Podcast
The Gratitude Spark Podcast
Getting Into Project SHAPE with Amanda Lindsey
How would YOU whip this world into SHAPE?
Today we're talking with Amanda Lindsey. She's been a long time and highly engaged member of the Gratitude Spark and you may be remember her from a podcast episode she did with us about a year ago. Amanda has dealt with chronic illness for the past 25 years, and we just wanted to chat with her to find out how she keeps such a positive vibe and grateful attitude while her body literally attacks itself at times. You can hear all about it in Episode 11 of Season 1.
It’s been one heck of a year for Amanda since that episode. Even In the midst of surviving a hurricane and losing her home to a fire, Amanda has taken big steps, both literally and metaphorically, and we're gonna hear about that today.
Last year, Amanda created a Facebook community called Project SHAPE, which stands for Spreading Happiness around Planet Earth, and proves everyday that she's well on her way to doing just that. She shares Hugs and Smiles with each person lucky enough to have contact with her, and she continuously inspires others by living this quote of hers:
"I have chosen to work with the ups and downs, twists and turns, to the best of my ability. Instead of fighting with futility to have the life I had prior to my illness, I aim to enjoy every moment of my current situation and live my best life—the one that I am blessed with."
In addition to Project SHAPE, she writes about her Chronically Fabulous journey in her own chapter of a new book coming out called "Sacred Surrender" that is coming out on April 1, 2022.
Lets talk with Amanda about all the goodness she's putting out into Planet Earth - I can pretty much guarantee it’ll put a smile on your face.
So with that…enjoy.