The Gratitude Spark Podcast
The Gratitude Spark Podcast
The Power Of Gratitude During Traumatic Times with Amy Christiansen (2021)
Have you ever felt defeated?
It's Women's History Month and we couldn't think of a better way to do this than to devote the entire month of March to women and their incredible journeys of gratitude.
To that end, we are jumping all the way back to Episode 2 which was recorded in February of 2021. It was an amazing conversation with Amy Christiansen who showed us all what it means to be strong, powerful, resilient and grateful.
Amy has been a member of The Gratitude Spark since late 2019 and has an amazing story about the power of gratitude and how it's shown up in her life - through some pretty incredible circumstances. She will share with us how gratitude has helped shape her life and how it has provided an amazing perspective...a perspective that helped her navigate a next-to-impossible traumatic situation on her path to healing and recovery.