The Gratitude Spark Podcast
Are you looking for something to spark amazing changes in your life and in the lives of those around you? Do you want to learn how to become more content, healthier and, well, just, happier? If so, great news...you’ll have to look no further than The Gratitude Spark Podcast. Join us as we witness how real gratitude shows up for real people, and how it became a spark that ignited incredible change in their lives and in the lives of those around them. Through the stories of amazing and inspiring people just like you, we provide ways for you to think about the power of gratitude and the role it can play in your life. We share insights about how you can leverage gratitude to become more joyful, content and happier, and in the process, how you can become a game-changer of goodness in our world. To hear more about how this amazing phenomenon called gratitude gives ordinary people extraordinary results, join us as we explore - The Gratitude Spark.
The Gratitude Spark Podcast
Surprising Opinions On Gratitude with Gina Low and Mike Good
Mike Good
Season 2
Episode 5
Can you remember a time you thought you were fully committed to an idea or the meaning behind a quote, and then something quickly swept the rug out from underneath you?
In this episode, Gina and I are talking about just that. Some time ago, we created an Alexa routine called "Sparks of Gratitude" which provides you with a different gratitude quote every day (if you don't know about it, definitely check it out!).
Gina happened to hear one of the quotes that we included in Sparks of Gratitude that took her by surprise, so we just had to explore why. And with that, we’re having an important and much needed discussion about discernment.
So join us for some of our opinions that just might surprise you…but in a good way.