The Gratitude Spark Podcast
Are you looking for something to spark amazing changes in your life and in the lives of those around you? Do you want to learn how to become more content, healthier and, well, just, happier? If so, great news...you’ll have to look no further than The Gratitude Spark Podcast. Join us as we witness how real gratitude shows up for real people, and how it became a spark that ignited incredible change in their lives and in the lives of those around them. Through the stories of amazing and inspiring people just like you, we provide ways for you to think about the power of gratitude and the role it can play in your life. We share insights about how you can leverage gratitude to become more joyful, content and happier, and in the process, how you can become a game-changer of goodness in our world. To hear more about how this amazing phenomenon called gratitude gives ordinary people extraordinary results, join us as we explore - The Gratitude Spark.
The Gratitude Spark Podcast
Educating With Gratitude - with June Johnson
Mike Good
Season 2
Episode 4
Educators - the impact they have on the children who are our future can't be overstated.
- Have you wondered why people choose to become an educator?
- Have you wondered how educators can learn from the children they teach?
- Have you wondered how gratitude shows up for those who teach our children?
On today's episode we're chatting with June Johnson - a lifelong educator who started out her career as a Special Education teacher and then moved into administration as an elementary school principal.
June chose to spend her career with one thing in mind - “paying it forward”. In this episode, she discusses how that one simple ACT of gratitude shaped both her and the children in ways unimaginable. She talks about her motivation for her servant heart and that “how you make someone feel” will always be more important than whatever it is that you’re trying to teach them.
So join us, to hear June's story of empathy, goodwill, gratitude and impact.